movement classes

We believe humans are made to move, and are especially passionate about the healing properties of movement.

Our integrative movement classes are delivered by experienced practitioners with training in Pilates, Feldenkrais, somatics, yoga, strength and conditioning and other trauma-informed movement practices.

Our classes are designed to feel inclusive, intelligent and invitational to ultimately create the conditions for a positive experience of body and movement.

Regular movement has been shown to have a significant impact on our overall well being.

Beyond the well-known physical benefits, regular movement can also support us to:

  • Sensitise and build awareness of our bodies
  • De-armour unhelpful patterns of tension
  • Learn new ways to move
  • Reduce our risk of injury
  • Develop bone, joint and heart health
  • Establish a feeling of containment and physical boundaries
  • Claim our right to take up space
  • Cultivate energy and capacity
  • Manage pain through nervous system regulation
  • Process difficult emotions
  • Restore a sense of agency
  • Build confidence and resilience
  • Experience pleasure

Movement isn't a one size fits all so we’re here to help you explore options that are safe and enjoyable for your body.

frequently asked questions 

How do I get started?

How do I get started?

Our intake process typically involves an initial consultation booked with the practitioner most closely aligned to you and your needs. This can be in-person if you’re local to us, otherwise modern technology allows us to connect and care for you from the comfort of your own home.

Your practitioner is likely recommend a number of individual sessions before you join your first class. This is intended as an introduction to movement with close supervision as you learn what works best for you and prepare your body and nervous system for a class environment.

What can I expect during my class?

What can I expect during my class?

The first thing you can expect is a warm welcome, because we know that showing up for a class isn't always easy.

We'll usually check in with you to see how you're feeling on the day and what's been happening for you before creating a plan for your class.

There will likely be one or two other humans in your class, but you'll all be moving through your own individually designed programs and you can engage with the group as much or as little as you like.

Your practitioner will be there to assist with the set up of your program, providing you with verbal instructions, cues and dosages. We can provide hands on corrections and your practitioner will check in with you on your preferences around this.

We'll give you some space to explore the movements prescribed but we're always close by if something isn't feeling right.

The class itself is 50 minutes long, leaving your practitioner some time to answer questions, tidy up and document your program before your time together comes to an end.

How do I book my class?

How do I book my class?

Bookings are available through our website, by contacting our client experience team or if you've made it this far simply click here.

What are the associated costs?

What are the associated costs?

Zebras Australia is a private clinic and a fee for service applies. The following classes are currently on offer with fees applicable from 1st of July 2024:

 Integrative movement class (50 minutes) - In-person only
  • Casual class $68.00 per class
  • Five pre-paid classes $350.00 ($65.00 per class)
  • Ten pre-paid classes $630.00 ($63.00 per class)

Is there any financial assistance available?

Is there any financial assistance available?

Classes provided by practitioners may be covered by private health insurance or be funded under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Please see our frequently asked questions for more details on financial assistance.

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