exercise physiology

Exercise physiology is a tertiary-qualified profession that studies the response of physical activity and exercise on the mind and body. Upheld by the belief that movement is medicine, exercise physiology can benefit a number of musculoskeletal, neurological, metabolic, cardiopulmonary and psychological health conditions.

Exercise physiology can be supportive in the early stages of an injury or diagnosis and for anyone who experiences ongoing disharmony, dysfunction or disability.

Through designing and delivering evidence-based movement programs, exercise physiology can help to minimize the impact of a diagnosis, assist in recovery and support optimal wellbeing.

At Zebras, our exercise physiologists understand the nuances of caring for those with chronic illness including the importance of collaborating with your Zebras team and wider circle of care to ensure your needs are met.

Things we can talk about...

  • The stress response
  • The origins of pain, fatigue and tension in the body
  • Understanding the inner workings of your body
  • The mind-body connection and how thoughts and beliefs impact how we feel
  • Recognising and managing your stressors
  • Pacing your day and building supportive routines and habits
  • Learning how to effectively rest and recover
  • The benefits of moving your body regularly, and the difference between movement and exercise
  • Ways to access movement in a way that's safe and enjoyable for you
  • Improving your relationship with your body and movement
  • Planning and navigating injuries and setbacks
  • How to get a good night's sleep

Things we can do together...

  • Practice being in your body and building awareness
  • Grounding, orienting and centering
  • Breathing
  • Mindfulness and meditation
  • Observing how your body moves
  • Moving your body in different ways
  • Setting up a movement program for home
  • Strengthening your body
  • Building your capacity
  • Building a sustainable toolkit of practices to support you in all areas of life

exercise physiology consultations

Someone with multiple chronic illnesses or multiple systems involved in their presentation

Someone with a significant trauma or mental health history

Someone more recently diagnosed or at the beginning of their Zebras journey who is seeking further clarification and explanation

Someone who needs or wants extra consideration around the delivery of their care and at the same time has the capacity for a fifty minute consultation

This is for...

May include...

  • Mindful check-in and grounding
  • Reflection on current strategies
  • Co-creation of an agenda for the session
  • In-depth discussion and learning (one or more topics)
  • Embodied practices including movement
  • Relevant physical assessment
  • Treatment planning for upcoming sessions

  • An optional email summary of the main points of discussion including any home-based tasks and movement program updates
  • Compliance with medicolegal documentation requirements
  • Dedicated time to collaborate with your circle of care and make new referrals as required

Long consultation (50 minutes face-to-face)

Medium Consultation


Someone who has a reasonable level of understanding around their condition/s

Someone who has basic strategies for managing their ongoing symptoms from having working with experienced health professionals

Someone who would find a long consultation duration challenging for energy management and concentration

This is for...

May include...

  • Mindful check-in and grounding
  • Brief reflection on current strategies
  • Co-creation of an agenda for the session
  • Brief discussion and learning (one topic at a high level)
  • Embodied practices including movement
  • Relevant physical assessment
  • Treatment planning for upcoming sessions

  • An optional email summary of the main points of discussion including any home-based tasks and movement program updates
  • Compliance with medicolegal documentation requirements
  • Collaboration with your circle of care at semi-regular intervals

Medium consultation (40 minutes face-to-face)

Short Consultation

Long Consultation


Someone in need of a movement program review

Someone who has an established level of understanding around their condition/s

Someone who has integrated a number of strategies for managing their ongoing symptoms 

Someone who would find a medium consultation duration challenging for energy management and concentration

This is for...

May include...

  • Mindful check-in and progress review
  • Relevant physical assessment
  • Embodied practices including movement
  • Treatment planning for upcoming sessions

  • Movement program updates
  • Compliance with medicolegal documentation requirements
  • Collaboration with your circle of care as required

Short consultation (25 minutes face-to-face)


Medium Consultation

Please note, our team is not currently able to provide the following specialist services: home, workplace or community-based consultations.

frequently asked questions 

Are you able to diagnose my condition?

Are you able to diagnose my chronic illness?

Formal diagnosis of rare conditions is considerably nuanced, and as allied health practitioners, we are unable to provide formal diagnoses for the majority of conditions we see.

If you need further clarity on this, please reach out to our friendly client experience team and we may be able to connect you with a suitably experienced medical practitioner within our network.

Are you able to diagnose my chronic illness?

What is the difference between exercise physiology and physiotherapy?

What is the difference between exercise physiology and physiotherapy?

Exercise physiologists and physiotherapists work closely as both are tertiary-qualified, evidence-based allied health professionals who consider you as a whole person, can meet you where at and design a tailored plan to address your concerns and enhance your quality of life.

Exercise Physiology…

  • Is concerned with rehabilitation, capacity building and lifestyle change
  • Can analyze movement patterns and prescribe programs based on a diagnosis
  • Focuses and specializes in active therapies


  • Is concerned with restoring movement and function
  • Can assess, diagnose and offer insights and treatment for acute injuries
  • Utilises hands on therapies and rehabilitation where appropriate 

What is the difference between exercise physiology and physiotherapy?

What is the difference between exercise physiology and personal training?

What is the difference between exercise physiology and personal training?

Exercise physiologists and personal trainers can both prescribe exercise to address a wide range of concerns.

Exercise physiology is a tertiary-qualified profession that has ongoing accreditation requirements and is recognised by Medicare, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, Workcover, NDIS and most private health insurers.

Exercise physiologists have extensive training, skills and experience in delivering exercise in clinical settings and to those at a higher risk than the general population.

How do I get started?

How do I get started?

Our intake process involves an initial consultation - consisting of 50 minutes face-to-face and 1o minutes non-face-to-face time - booked with the exercise physiologist most closely aligned to you and your needs.

After listening to the feedback from our community, we are mindful that your capacity to engage for long periods may be limited. For this reason, we have found 50 minutes to be spacious enough to balance a high level of care with minimal after effects but please reach out if you have any concerns around this.

 Due to the demand for our offerings, we are currently running a
priority care list for all new enquiries. If you are interested in accessing care at Zebras Australia, please complete this preliminary questionnaire and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

What can I expect in my first consultation?

What can I expect in my first consultation?

Our first consultation together is about getting to know you as a person, your journey, your current limitations and movement history.

We’ll take some time to settle into the virtual space before asking you some questions. The information we gather in this encounter is invaluable for creating context for your concerns and helping us to work out how we can best support you.

Your exercise physiologist will then conduct a physical assessment, including observing your breathing, postural alignment, mobility, strength and movement patterns as well as anything else specific to your rehabilitation goals.

Our exercise physiologists are trained and competent in standing blood pressure testing and screening for generalised hypermobility using the Beighton Score. We will discuss the relevance of these with you and be guided by your capacity.

We can talk about your results, explore your goals or aspirations and answer any questions you might have.

  • What type of sessions should I book with you?
  • What can I expect from my sessions with you?
  • What do you expect of me in between sessions?
  • When can I get moving or start classes with you?
  • How often will I see you?
  • For how long will I see you?
  • Do you have any extra resources for me?
  • Is there anyone else you recommend that I see along the way?

Our intention is to answer these questions and more, so that you know what to expect during your time at Zebras. We’re even happy to summarise this information for you in an email following your session.

Once you’re happy with the plan we’ve created, and with your permission, we’ll schedule time to write to your circle of care to let them know we’ve joined your team.

With your intake complete, it’s now time to start working on your first steps towards a life that is big, full and bright.

What are the associated costs?

What are the associated costs?

Zebras Australia is a private clinic and a fee for service applies. The following sessions are available in-person or virtually with fees applicable from 1st of July 2024:

Experienced exercise physiologists - Genevieve
  • Initial Physiotherapy Consultation (50 minutes) $210.00
  • Long Physiotherapy Consultation (50 minutes) $190.00
  • Medium Physiotherapy Consultation (40 minutes) $140.00
  • Short Physiotherapy Consultation (25 minutes) $95.00

Emerging physiotherapists - Daisy
  • Initial Physiotherapy Consultation (50 minutes) $200.00
  • Long Physiotherapy Consultation (50 minutes) $180.00
  • Medium Physiotherapy Consultation (40 minutes) $135.00
  • Short Physiotherapy Consultation (25 minutes) $90.00

All payments are taken in full on the day of service.

You can find more information about our practitioner tiers here.

Is there any financial assistance available?

Is there any financial assistance available?

Services provided by our exercise physiologists may be covered by private health insurance, attract a Medicare rebate or be funded under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Please see our frequently asked questions for more details on financial assistance.

join the priority care list



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